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The Change Makers of NISA co- created and co-led by Dima and Obi


Transforming Communities
Through Peace Leadership.


Building Bridges,
Cultivating Peace.

At NISA, we believe that peace begins with understanding. Our comprehensive training program brings together participants from diverse backgrounds to learn, grow, and lead with empathy. Through interactive sessions, real-world experiences, and community engagement, we're shaping the next generation of peace leaders. Join us in bridging divides and creating a brighter future for all.


Global unity for
lasting peace.

NISA is more than just a program—it's a catalyst for positive change. By equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge to promote peace, we aim to break down barriers, foster collaboration, and create lasting connections. Join us on this journey toward a more peaceful and harmonious world.


United as community
In Peacebuilding.

At NISA, we believe that peace begins with understanding. Our comprehensive training program brings together participants from diverse backgrounds to learn, grow, and lead with empathy. Through interactive sessions, real-world experiences, and community engagement, we're shaping the next generation of peace leaders. Join us in bridging divides and creating a brighter future for all.

What NISA program is all about

Join the NISA movement and become part of a global network of peace leaders. Our program, designed by experts from Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, offers a unique opportunity to learn, connect, and lead change in your community. Together, we can build a world rooted in understanding, empathy, and peace.

NISA is more than just a program—it's a catalyst for positive change. By equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge to promote peace, we aim to break down barriers, foster collaboration, and create lasting connections. Join us on this journey toward a more peaceful and harmonious world.

Meet Our Team

Program Implementation Team

Speakers / Facilitators


About Us

Empowering Peace Leaders Globally

NISA is a transformative initiative dedicated to cultivating peace leaders and fostering connections within communities worldwide. Founded by Obi Onyeigwe from Nigeria and Dima Mahjoub from Syria, in collaboration with the Euphrates Institute, our program brings together individuals from Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and beyond. Through a dynamic learning curriculum and hands-on experience, participants gain the skills and knowledge needed to promote peace, bridge divides, and lead change in their communities. Join us in creating a world where understanding, compassion, and peace prevail.

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Discover engaging workshops, seminars, and community gatherings designed to promote peace, understanding, and collaboration. Join us in fostering positive change and building connections.


Change Makers


Your contribution powers our mission to create a world where peace thrives. Join us in fueling positive change and fostering harmony across communities.


Participants' Quotes


Joy Kemakolam

Good day, everyone. My name is Ms Joy Kemakolam from Nigeria and part of NISA Euphrates PPA project 2024, where we focus on empowering communities through peace practice leadership training.

As a peace builder, I need to sensitize my community on interpersonal peace because conflicts can arise from various social and economic pressures.

I am a teacher and I do use some of the guidance of peace practice in my job and I'm been accepted and respected. I aim to cultivate a culture of peace and proactive leadership for sustainable change.

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Halima Rasouli

Hello everyone, I am Halima Rasouli, I am from Afghanistan and I'm a part of NISA Euphrates PPA 2023 project.

This program was new and interesting for me. Participating in this program helped me understand some changes in my ideas and behavior. As a school teacher, I have applied some of the peace practices in my work, which has brought many benefits. The people accepted and respected me more because of this.

The situation in Afghanistan, especially for girls and women, has significant effects. In the end, I wish all countries a peaceful life.

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Good evening to everyone, I am Engr. MADU OBIALOR N. GEORGE from Nigeria and Part of NISA Euphrate PPA Project 2023 Currently, I am working on youth advocacy on Drugs/Substance abuse and Peer Pressure. This is purely aimed to sensitive our teeming youths and dangers these two subject matter will cause to them when they fall victim of any. The dangers of Drugs/Substance abuse cannot be over-emphasized and it has led many of our Youths to become at error to the community and society at Large. When our Youths are properly educated and given adequate orientation and their mindset gotten, our community and society will be Free from drugs and substance abuse. Most of the things Our present society is suffering are bye-products of what drugs and substance abuse have caused.

Also the issue of Peer Pressure is another major challenge that most parents over looked. There by putting their children and wards in the danger and hands of bad friends. These peer pressure and bad influence is found in our primary, secondary and Higher institutions. Parents need to be waken up to their responsibility of knowing whom their children friends are. And equally Youths needs to be reminded to know the kind and type of friends they keep to avoid falling victims of rape, trafficking, etc and other sorts of crime and criminalities happening around the globe

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Teeba Al- Sawaf

Hello everyone, my name is Teeba Mohamed from Iraq. I'm part of the NISA Euphrates PPA project for 2023, where we focus on empowering communities through peace practice leadership training

It begins with cultivating personal peace and our own readiness to engage in peace building work. Then, the work extends from our inner world to our interactions with others to nourish interpersonal peace. These interactions broaden to establish peaceful communities, and culminate in global peace practice, or what we see as communities of communities.

In my community, conflicts can arise from various social and economic pressures. Through our leadership training, we have been taught how to manage and resolve conflicts effectively. We focus on negotiation skills, understanding, and empathy to bridge gaps between conflicting parties, fostering a more harmonious environment.

By addressing these issues, I aim to cultivate a culture of peace and proactive leadership. It's about creating sustainable change that will resonate for generations to come.

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Osuagwu Eberechi Cecilia

I am Dr. Eberechi Cecilia Osuagwu from Nigeria and part of NISA Euphrates PPA project 2023. I am very happy to be part of this intriguing learning process about leadership in peace practice. I am very excited about moving into my community and using our diverse culture as a major tool to harness peace most especially in showcasing the beauty of our different cultural practices and what the stand for to other people so that they can appreciate and be appreciated in that way no one will see each other’s culture as a taboo.

I equally would love to harness the diversity of our religion to ensue peace through Stakeholder Engagement, inter-religous activities that can help different people in different religion not to see one another as demeaning and in turn preach more of peaceful coexistence.

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